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Elevation Smart Money: Jan/Feb 2020

By January 16, 2020August 25th, 2020SMART MONEY

Welcome to our first edition for 2020. Inside this issue, we feature articles covering a number of different topics to help you successfully grow and protect your wealth.

Whether it’s stopping smoking, losing weight, eating more healthily or getting fitter, most of us have probably made at least one New Year’s resolution, but how many of us will actually go on to achieve it? We all have different financial goals and aspirations in life, yet these goals can often seem out of reach. On page 04, if your New Year’s resolutions include giving your financial plans an overhaul, we’ve provided our financial planning tips to help you create a robust financial plan for 2020 and beyond.

Estate planning is an important part of wealth management, no matter how much wealth you have built up. It’s the process of making a plan for how your assets will be distributed upon your death or incapacitation. On page 08, we consider why having an effective estate plan in place will not only help to ensure that those you care about the most will be taken care of when you’re no longer around, but it can also help minimise Inheritance Tax (IHT) liabilities and ensure that assets are transferred in an orderly manner.

It’s a dream for many that after years of hard work, it’s finally time to travel to far-off lands and enjoy retirement without worrying about finances. With milder winters, warmer summers and the potential to get more from your pension pot, it’s not surprising that some people decide to retire abroad. On page 12, read about how, with some planning beforehand, the dream of retiring abroad can become a reality.